It's Mars' first day at a new school. Except every day is his first day at a new school. Every night the world ends.

Mars Underground is an apocalyptic adventure game in which the player relives the same day over and over.

The player attempts to solve the brain damaging mysteries and uncover multiple potential endings as they explore the possibilities of this time loop.

Take experimental prescription drugs. Talk to a toilet. Get hit by a car. Humiliate yourself repeatedly.

All in the name of figuring out what on earth is going on.


  • Unique time loop premise that explores the possibilities of branching stories and multiple endings in interactive fiction.
  • Game design that mixes classic adventure game conventions with sandbox-style gameplay. As the player discovers new topics and acquires new items the world opens up and they can try more things each day.
  • All original, dynamic music soundtrack.
  • Simple, easy to grasp gameplay that can be fully played with either mouse, keyboard, controller or touch input.

Explore Phobos City

  • Solve the mysteries of Phobos City and try to escape the timeloop!

  • Interact with the charming and witty citizens! Make friends!

  • Relive the same day over and over: almost as tedious as real life!

Design, Development, Programming

Matt Sanderson


Matt Sanderson

Paul McMahon (Akumenn)


Matt Beer

Vexed Enigma



Jason Perry


HimeWorks (www.himeworks.com)



Hudell (hudell.com)

Galv (galvs-scripts.com)


Jason R. Godding









Alex G: Xeliard


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this smergy you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. Your purchase comes with a Steam key. You will get access to the following files:

Mars Underground FULL 1.01.zip 175 MB
Mars Underground Full 1.01 Linux.tar.xz 177 MB
Mars Underground FULL Mac 1.01.zip 313 MB

Download demo

Mars Demo 1 Feb 2019 PC.zip 166 MB
Mars Demo Feb 2019 MAC.zip 303 MB
MarsDemo1Feb2019 Linux.tar 409 MB

Development log

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The Linux version came as a folder with a bunch of different files instead of a simple binary to execute. I'm not sure if this was intended.

I assume running the "Mars" executable file is how to start the game, but it requires older versions of shared libraries that I don't want to install. Any way you could export it for linux in a way that doesn't require installing dependencies?

Also it seems that you only added the Windows version to steam.


Nevermind, running the file named "nw" worked, though it's not very clear this is the right binary. Look forward to playing!


Oops, I'm sorry for that. Apologies if the Steam version of Linux isn't available/working. Let me know if you need a refund.


No worries, simply clicking on the binary file named "nw" in the zipped folder worked perfectly (I just tried clicking all the binaries until one worked). But you may want to include that in a readme or installation instructions on itch.


Also, fantastic game! Kudos


What happened to the soundtrack? It's listed as being in a bundle with the game but isn't available.

Apologies. Looks like I had the permission set incorrectly. Should be available now. Thank you for letting me know! 


No prob. Just purchased. :)

(4 edits) (+1)

Youre Game Is AWESOME!!! god Forrgive and Programmer Forgive me I downloaded a Crack of The game i Think its not the Full game Red is Shorty Jr and so on i buy the Game even if there is no more interresting. i think when the game were bigger it lands a Hit this game Freaks me so out sometimes gets boring its need more confusion i think more like the CPA building when you see it first and you think YOOOOO but i think my expectations were to high i tought the game would just really beginn when you killed kronus you really awake bro


Glad to see the full game finally out! Played it and what a trip! Unfortunately I could not see the ending after getting to 200% due to a graphical glitch - everything is super zoomed in and I can't navigate properly or see what I am doing. 

Maybe if I saw that it would clear it up but, I have the feeling the ending doesn't end up explaining anything? Is the time loop and what is happening ever actually explained?

Hey can you send me an email contact@molochmedia.com ?

Really like to recreate and figure out this glitch you've got.



I just randomly found this game now, just under a week after its release! Might need to buy! Gonna download the demo now. Let's see...

Ahhh what I completely forgot to buy this, I've bought it now o7 sorry!


Was giving a copy of the game from the developers for free to cover on my stream. I thought the game was really interesting and different. Just when you feel like you figured out something, something else happens.


I am a Kickstarter backer who received my early copy, just played through the game (but I think there are still many secrets to uncover) and I love it. Highly recommended. You can see my longer post at the Kickstarter comments page. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1689302633/mars-underground-an-apocalyptic-...

I realy loved this game!! I was wondering is it availible yet or is it still demo?

Sorry for the late reply, I hadn't checked the itch.io page for a while and missed your message.

It's still just a demo for now but I'm very close to a release. Just need to finish testing and fixing bugs. 

No worries. I LOVED this demo! This was a fantastis game so far I really can't wait to play the full release!! Best of luck to you!


Thanks for making a mac version. This game looks really great

Deleted post

Well... the plan was to have it finished and released now, in September. Unfortunately I haven't been able to make that deadline. I'm not going to announce a new release date just yet, I'm waiting until I can set a date I'll be certain to hit. I don't want to continually announce dates and then fail to meet them and I don't want to cut the game down to get it out either.



Intresting concept! I would love to do a LP of the game if you allow that. If so, do you also allow Let's Players (like myself) to use YouTube's Partner program to place ads on said video?

Hey, sorry I missed your message and am only just getting back now.

I certainly do allow ads on let's plays


I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. Best of luck with your project!


(1 edit)

Octopix winner and New Demo

Stunned to announce that Mars Underground won the Octopix for best independent game in the Strasbourg Festival!

Strasbourg winners

I've also just uploaded a new, improved demo:

-New tile edits by Matt Beer
-New name input screen
-New "show hotspots" button
-Added a special "demo exclusive" ending
-Fixed lots of little glitches and bugs


You guys seriously need to try the demo, it's been a hilarious ride.


Will you add linux support?


Yes, the final game will be available for Linux and Mac

Updated Demo 7-July-2016

  • Can play through the entire day!
  • More locations. More things to do. More music. More everything.
  • Can travel on bus. Reach locations: Phobos City, Pac Street, Moloch Headquarters
  • Use of Jay's VariableMix plugin for dynamic music crossfades
  • Removed icon pop-ups
  • Dialogue choices now use HMSChoiceDisplayMode

Note: HTML5 version is not compatible with itch.io and had to be removed.


Quite an interesting game, it seems like it could have alot of potential if done right.

Continuing development on this would defenently be worthet.

By the way:

I am curious about what language/software this game was developed in.

Scincerely -madK

Thanks. I'm preparing a longer demo right now. It was developed with RPG Maker MV



When is the full game going to be released

A longer demo is planned for early July. The full game will be out in 2017.


Thank you! I can't wait! 😀


This is quite a wonderful game

This looks wonderful.

Mac build please!

Deleted post

how do i get to the gym after lunch. i can't go back inside

Sounds like a bug. After lunch ends, I just walk to the door and I'm right back inside again.


Played through the demo and this is a really I like what's going on so far! I'll keep my eye on this.


I'm gonna record this game and post it on YouTube. The game is amazing and i'll also gonna review it after I played the demo. :D

Cool! Look forward to seeing what you think

The error at the start of "cycle 2" should be fixed now.

(1 edit) (+1)

found an error, occured immediately after playing threw the default day


looks intresting though, let me know when you fix it! I'm excited to play more!

Thanks for having a look at my game!

I'm having difficulty recreating that error. Were you playing the browser version or the download? What sort of device were you using? What is your internet connection like?


hi I was playing in browser in chrome and I have timewarner cable. After I finished the default day the error occured on the second day as I was about to get out of bed. Hope that helps.


Had Same error on day after default loop after trying to wake up, failing, clicking sleep in, then replayed the time-warp animation, game crashed a few seconds after that

Game looks awesome though! can't wait for more


yeah, this is exactly what I did!

Thanks so much to both of you for having a look!

It appears this bug crops up the first time the game is run, before an image has been cached, which is why I was having so much trouble recreating it.

Hope I can fix it quickly.

Updated 30 March 2016:

-Shortened "default cycle" by removing most of the school section

-Now using 16x16 tilesets

-All events are now triggered by "player touch"

-Graphics tweaks

-Gameplay tweaks